Thursday, November 20, 2014

No Recipe Grilled Cheese

Grilled cheese is one of the easiest dishes to make and one of the most delicious. I mean who doesn't love bread, cheese and butter?! It's also pretty straight forward how to make one. You need bread, cheese and butter/mayo. For me there are 2 different ways to make a basic grilled cheese:

Number 1: 2 slices of bread, add cheese and butter or mayo on the outside of the bread slices. Cook it on the griddle or non-stick pan. Cook until bread is golden brown. Voila! That's it!

Number 2:  2 slices of bread, slather mayo inside, add cheese and butter or mayo on the outside of the bread slices. Cook it on the griddle or non-stick pan. Cook until bread is golden brown. Ta-da! That's it!

It really is quite simple. You can use whatever cheese you want, any bread you want and add any extras that you love. Grilled cheese is one of the most versatile sandwiches. It definitely is a comfort food! Enjoy it with a delicious Roasted Tomato Soup. Grilled cheese and tomato soup, it's a classic!

Buen Provecho!

any bread. I love sourdough!

This one I used Kraft singles cheese. It melts so amazingly!

This one I used cheddar. I added mayo on the inside.

Cheese filled!

Butter or mayo outside of bread. Mayo is good substitute for butter, if you're out. It helps make a golden brown sandwich.

Put them on a griddle until both sides are golden brown.

Cut in half, diagonally or in sticks. Enjoy alone or with a cup of tomato soup!

No recipe- Basic Grilled Cheese - 2 sandwiches

4 slices of bread (any kind)
2 Tbsp butter
2 tbsp mayo (optional)
4 slices of cheese (any kind)

Road Map:

Number 1: 2 slices of bread, add cheese and butter or mayo on the outside of the bread slices. Cook it on the griddle or non-stick pan. Cook until bread is golden brown. Voila! That's it!


Number 2:  2 slices of bread, slather mayo inside, add cheese and butter or mayo on the outside of the bread slices. Cook it on the griddle or non-stick pan. Cook until bread is golden brown. Ta-da! That's it!


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